The premises are situated within Altrincham town centre and comprised a ground floor retail area with a small back of shop area leading to further areas on the first floor.
An initial strip out included the removal of any remaining display and shop fixtures and fittings, the removal of all existing light fittings and ceiling tiles from the sales area.
All existing floor finishes throughout the ground floor and stairs were taken up and the subfloor was prepared to receive new finishes.
The existing layout of the sales and back of house areas were reconfigured by the removal of a partition wall between the columns of a bay window together with an existing partition wall to the back of shop.
A stud partition wall was constructed to create a division between the new sales area and back of shop sort room.
The premises received a full shop fit out, a new electrical and mechanical installation and decoration as required and detailed by the client’s specific design plan for the project with due consideration given to minimise noise and disturbance for the adjacent offices and neighboring units.
The project was completed within the four week timescale scheduled by the client.